Jackson has erased any doubt as to where she stands on the death of her brother Michael. In a four-hour interview with News of the World, she shares her belief that her brother was murdered for his money and Beatles song catalog. “We don’t think just one person was involved in the murder. It was a conspiracy to get Michael’s money. I know who did it and I won’t rest until I nail them!” While LaToya is busy screwing the suspects, I hope the police get involved in making some arrests.
She also discussed the condition of Jackson’s body as more evidence supporting her theory of foul play. “He had many needle marks on his neck and on his arms, and more about those will emerge in the next few weeks. But nothing has changed my mind that this was murder and I won’t give up until I find out what killed my brother. A couple of years ago Michael told me he was worried that people were out to get him. He said, ‘They’re gonna kill me for my publishing. They want my catalogues and they’re gonna kill me for these.’”
Michael’s sister asserts that the people who most closely surrounded the pop star controlled his environment and kept him from family. “They tried to keep the family away at all times, even my dad. Michael was being controlled. No one could get through to him. We wanted to know why we were being kept away and my father Joe was always trying to get to see him. He tried so hard to be there for Michael. He was seen as a threat but he was trying to help. And if you keep the family away, you can conquer. It’s like they say, divide and conquer.”
LaToya also takes credit for ordering the second autopsy. She already knows the result of the toxicology reports performed by the family’s coroner and could only say “I think everyone will be surprised when the results come out.” Listen, the only way people are going to be surprised is if his blood work comes back showing nothing except Flintstone vitamins.
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